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Great Reads for Good Food

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Intermittent Fasting Can Improve Your Health

Recent studies have shown that people who fast intermittently will have better health outcomes than those who do not. Intermittent fasting can have benefits both in terms of weight control and on heart health. This will lead to a l...

Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Your Health Go Well Beyond the Actual Virus

While most people are hyper-focused on the effects that COVID-19 may take on the body, the stress of the ongoing global pandemic is also delivering a host of other health issues. The constant level ...

Need to Use a Public Restroom During the Pandemic? Here is What to Do

As the mobility of the nation continues to increase with more states opening back up for business, the issue of how to safely use public restrooms has been at the forefront of many health dialogues. Altho...

Thinking of Going to a Bar This Weekend? You Might Want to Think Again

There has been a lot of news lately about the role of bars in the spread of COVID-19. But how dangerous are these places? Are they really a significant contributor to the spread of the deadly virus? Read...

How Scientists and Physicians Are Working to Beat COVID-19 Virus

While the COVID-19 global pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the good news is that the death rate is beginning to decline. This is due in large part to the medical community finding better wa...

For Unemployed Parents Preparing for the Fourth Quarter of 2020

Women are three times more likely than men to be unemployed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. Women are more likely to be home navigating online classrooms with their children. Unemployed parents staying ...

How You Can Protect Your Heart Health While Still in Your 30s

You are not alone if you are in your 30s and have not yet started to think about your heart health. The aging process may seem like an abstract concept when you are in the prime of your life and career while rais...

What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Herd Immunity and How We Can Lose It

Herd immunity is a phrase that has been thrown around repeatedly over the last year. But what exactly is herd immunity and why is it considered to be the holy grail of the COVID-19 crisis? Here is wha...

Exercising in Cramped Quarters

In case you didn't know, the United States is about to be thrust into another series of lock-downs, which are going to inevitably cause most businesses to close, schools to shutter, and most people are going to be confined in their homes more ...