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Great Reads for Good Food

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Food Stamps: An Incredibly Food Security Strategy That Works For All

Food stamps are the most effective, cost-effective way for the U.S. to address hunger, and they're an excellent investment because someone who eats nutritiously has more energy to work, study and be a good ...

Food Stamps (SNAP Food Benefits)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP as it is commonly referred, is part of the safety net program to fight domestic hunger. There are millions of people in the United States that receives benefits under this program. It is g...

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective?

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective? A new trend recently kicked off in the Wellness industry. It's called cryotherapy, and it is what it sounds like: voluntarily being put ...

Think Coronavirus is Just Like the Flu? You Might Need to Think Again

As protesters continue to take to the streets to speak out against the ongoing economic shutdown measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the common arguments is that the coronavirus is compa...

Black Americans Are Dying from COVID-19 at an Alarming Rate. Why is This?

One of the most alarming truths to come out of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is how the Black population is becoming sick and dying at much higher rates than the rest of the country. Older Black America...

How Sleep Affects Your Ability to Be a Positive Person

You've probably heard the old adage that attitude is everything. However, if you're sleep-deprived, it's difficult to feel positive about anything at all. Just one day of missing sleep is enough to make most people feel ...

Do Not Let Cold Weather Keep You From Getting in Your Daily Workout

You do not have to give up your fitness routine just because the cold and dark winter days are upon us. The COVID-19 health crisis has forced the closure of many gyms, making many people resort to outdoor w...

What to Eat if You Want to Mitigate the Appearance of Wrinkles

Nobody will blame you if you want to keep your skin looking as youthful and wrinkle-free as possible. In addition to limiting your exposure to the sun, getting adequate sleep, and staying well hydrated, you ...

The Inflated Cost of Proper Nutrition

Most people do perfectly understand that the food they put into their bodies has a direct and immediate impact on their health and how they feel. It's why diet crazes are always able to take off. Despite the statistics in ...