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Great Reads for Good Food

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SNAP and Nutrition Education: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

In recent years, there has been an escalating concern about the nutritional quality of food consumed by economically disadvantaged families. Research has revealed that individuals with limited economic means ar...

SNAP: Helping Solve the Battle Against Hunger

SNAP, also referred to as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, helps millions of struggling Americans afford nutritious food each month. Low-income families with elderly members, disabled individuals, or small children m...

6 Ways You Can Save a Buck On Food

In this day and age, we've all found ourselves wishing we could save a little cash from time to time on food. There are times when a trip to the grocery store can seem like we need to take out a loan first. There are a couple of ways you...

Looking to Avoid the Coronavirus? Here are 6 Steps You Can Take

As coronavirus cases continue to spike all over the world, many people are wondering what they can do to keep themselves protected. Short of keeping yourself in a bubble, there is probably no way to completely ...

Your Child's Wellness During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects for children throughout the country. After missing their last three months of school, many children are home for the summer too because their summer camps are cancelled. In addition, childr...

Plagued With Hives? Here is What You Need to Know About This Condition

Known by the clinical term of urticaria in medical circles, hives are red and itchy welts that form from a skin reaction. Welts can vary greatly in size and intensity and may come and go depending on ext...

SHA Wellness Clinic Offers Immune System-Boosting Advice

There have been quite a few organizations across the span of the globe giving out free and helpful health advice since the novel Coronavirus first burst onto the scene at the beginning of 2020. Most of this wisdom o...

"Wellness Walk" Initiative Aimed at Improving Fitness During Pandemic

In an age of obvious political polarization, it's very rare that a group of people agree on anything. Even health experts involved with the Covid-19 pandemic have different ideas about the effective...

Struggling with the Time Change? Read This Important Information for Help

If your internal body clock feels disrupted this week, you are certainly not alone. While setting the clocks back one hour is easier than the spring counterpart of moving forward, it is not unusual to...