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Great Reads for Good Food

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Best Foods to Eat if You Are Looking to Boost Your Bone Health

As people retreat indoors during the coldest days of the winter, it is no surprise to learn that vitamin D production is suffering. This vitamin is made when the body is exposed to sunlight. Without this amp...

Nutrition and Mental Health: How the Right Foods Can Keep You Happy and Healthy

Did you know that what you eat can directly impact your mood and mental health? Certain foods can help keep you happy and healthy, while others can cause problems like anxiety and depression. ...

Prediabetes is on the Rise - Why This is Happening and What Can be Done

According to recent data published in JAMA Pediatrics, a new study reveals that the incidence of prediabetes has more than doubled since the year 1999. The new figures detail that 28% of individuals b...

Benefits of Eating Less Meat

Many people are unaware of the benefits of eating less meat. Eating less meat can have many different benefits for your health and the environment. You'll do your body a favor by eating less meat, as it can help reduce your risk of heart d...

From Hunger to Hope: Empowering Lives Through Food Stamps Support Programs

In today's society, millions of individuals and families struggle to put food on the table. However, thanks to food stamps support programs, many people facing food insecurity receive vital ...

Start the New Decade with Resolutions That Are Truly Attainable

As the end of the decade comes to a close, many people are looking at how they can improve their overall physical and emotional well-being as they head into the year 2020. Rather than setting yourself up for New ...

Stuck at Home with No Culinary Skills? How You Can Take Care of Yourself

With the majority of the country practicing self-quarantine protocol as a result of the deadly coronavirus, it has become more important than ever to be sufficient in the kitchen. Many of the nation's ...

Take Care of Your Physical Fitness at Home with Self-Isolating Exercises

While America is on lockdown, governmental officials are urging the public that you can walk your dog or exercise outside for 20 minutes. Even though there might be some challenges to leaving your ...

5 Tips for Your COVID-19 Mental Health

It is every bit as important to take care of mental health as it is to safeguard your physical health while you are staying home during the COVID-19 crisis. Your mind is as critical to your well-being as your body and you must be good t...