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Great Reads for Good Food

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Alaskans Don't Know Where Their Food Stamps Went

In the state of Alaska, most people are very hard-working and do the sorts of jobs a lot of other Americans couldn't even handle. It's obviously very cold there, with harsh elements and strong winter storms. Howev...

Ten Ways to Score Free Food

Everybody enjoys getting and eating food for free. You may also be short on cash or know someone else who has some problems with funds and doesn't have the money to afford a good meal. This doesn't mean that you can't eat, as there are ...

7 Strategies to Help You Function Within Your Means Without Feeling Limited

Living within your means equates to spending equal or less than what you have coming in monthly. But for many individuals, it can be difficult to adhere to that age-old adage. Credit cards, emergency ...

Wondering How to Safely Celebrate Halloween? Here Are Some Do's and Don'ts

With the onset of fall officially here, many children are beginning to wonder if they will still be able to enjoy Halloween festivities this year. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has certainly put into...

What to Do if Someone in Your Household Tests Positive for COVID-19

It is understandable to be concerned if somebody in your home tests positive for COVID-19. Not only do you need to care for the patient, but you also need to do what you can to protect yourself and the othe...

The Long-Awaited COVID-19 Vaccine is Here. What About the Side Effects?

All across the world, millions of people are receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The race to produce the first approved vaccine went to Pfizer with more pharmaceutical companies now in lin...

Do You Have Long-Haul COVID-19? Here is What You Can Do to Recover Quickly

One of the most perplexing elements of the COVID-19 virus is how most people recover within a few weeks while others battle the effects and symptoms of the virus for months. The medical community has...

Is Intermittent Fasting the Diet Plan for You? What You Need to Know

A recent study out of the UK is shedding more light on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. If you have been trying to shed some pounds with little success, you may want to consider this new trend in...

7 Wellness Activities to Try This Spring

On March 3, Illinois State University sent a message welcoming spring and inviting its community to partake in some fun activities that promote wellness. After being cooped up for the winter, most people are ready to get out of the ho...